Friday, February 22, 2008

A Silly Science Comic for you Nerds out there.

So if anyone needs to know what a Poisson Distribution is, just leave it in the comments and I'll explain it.

Comic from xkcd

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Another Small Setback

Well.... No eggs again today. One pair had some eggs, but they looked really bad -- more than 75% of them were necrotic, and the whole batch was laid in chains, which is a sign of un-viability. Poo.

The other pair didn't have ANY eggs. At all. They weren't even in amplexus when we pulled them out of the incubator.

SOoooooOOO.... Looks like we'll probably try again next week, while I try to come up with some theories as to why they're not doing their thing.

Anybody got a frog sized iPod so i can make them some "gettin it on" music?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Your Weekly Reptile

This week's reptile is the Satanic Leaftail Gecko (Uroplatus phantasticus)

The image is from

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A LOL Cat for Today

Because it's Valentine's Day and I don't have much to report.

So here's a Kitty.

Image Credit:

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I injected my frogs for the first time yesterday evening... This morning both pairs had spawned, but we had no viable eggs.


That's research for ya!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Return of Your Weekly Reptile!!!


I've actually really missed doing this -- I love to share my love of all things scaly with you guys!

This week's reptile is something I've been thinking a lot about lately, and it's very near and dear to my heart.

This week's reptile is:

The Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas)

(Image from here)

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Just a little update until I come up with something pithy and amusing to post....

Had a micro exam today, which really wasn't as bad as we all thought it would be. I'm sure I did well on it; I hope my friends also did well...

I'm halfway looking for a microscope... I think it would be useful to have my own, but I also know that they're SUPER expensive. So it would definitely have to wait until next semester unless my mom can find me one. This is certainly not a HAVE TO HAVE kind of thing, but I think it would be nice. I'd like to get a dissecting scope as well, but again, huge chunk of change that I simply don't have at the moment.

I guess that's all for now; hopefully I will have more to say a bit later. I'm just exhausted tonight.