Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday Randomness

Well, the semester is nearly over, and that's a good thing. I have finals in two weeks, then I have two weeks off, and then I start summer school. I'm NOT looking forward to summer school, only because I have to take PreCal over the summer, and I'm not the world's greatest at math. BUT -- it's during the summer long semester (10 weeks), 4 days a week, so HOPEFULLY I'll get it. I think I should; I'm doing very well in my current math course (yes, you may fall over now), but I'm quite intimidated. And, of course, I still have to take Calc 1. *pulls out hair*

In other news, I present my summer proposal next Friday. I've worked my butt off on the power point, I know my plan, so I should do great. That and it's a really small, low key thing in front of McNair people and our mentors/family/friends. I invited several people; we'll see who shows up.

AND --- Wait for it .....

MY FROGS CAME YESTERDAY!!! *dances about* I haven't had a chance to go and see them yet, but I will do that today. I wish I hadn't taken my camera out of my bag -- I'd post some pix of them. I guess I will have to bring it on Monday and run to the lab and take pix of them then. I know there are 4 pairs, but I don't have a naming system or anything for them yet. EEEEeeee...

Let's see....what else can I report....? I've got some horse show photos to put up, so I will do that probably this weekend.....

OH! And we went to Scarborough Faire this past weekend! We had a total blast, as usual. I wish Livvy hadn't pooped out so early, but even that was alright. We saw several people that I hadn't seen in a while, including our old friend Lady Phoenix. It was awesome to see her and to see how well she's doing. She's living in a questionable situation, BUT that's her choice and not mine. So to each his own, and if she's happy then I'm happy.

I also saw some model horse friends -- Alicia & her crew, Shannon & her family, Leah (of course), etc... I wish I could have spent more time hanging out, but we had a friend in town, so I was somewhat at the whim of my love and our friend. =)

And on a sadder note.... A person my lovely wife grew up with and went all the way through school with was found murdered in Seattle on Monday. His was a life far too short. I had never met him, but I met his brother, who I like very much, and I feel horrible about this senseless loss. Unfortunately, the only suspect in his death is dead himself -- he blew himself up with a homemade incendiary device. The funeral for Livvy's friend is Monday in his hometown of Odessa.... My thoughts are with his family at this horrible time.

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